Endowment Investment Portfolio: A financial vessel that does not have an independent legal personality in which endowment funds of value are collected for the purpose of investment, provided that they are disbursed in accordance with the condition of the endowment, and in accordance with the management agreement in private endowment investment portfolios.

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There are two types of endowment investment portfolios that differ according to the management style:

  • Endowment Investment Portfolio The investor manages his portfolio himself if he is an expert in securities activities.
  •  A private endowment investment portfolio, on behalf of the investor who manages his portfolio through licensed capital market institutions, in case the investor lacks the necessary experience or sufficient time to manage it.

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Both types are available to endowments, and the endowment investment portfolio is chosen if the investor is an expert in securities activities, and if he is unable to manage, due to his lack of time or lack of the necessary experience, he can choose the private endowment investment portfolio.

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Yes, it is necessary to look at them to know the necessary requirements and powers.

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It enables endowments to benefit from investment opportunities in the financial market and diversify their endowment assets, which are available to all categories of endowments and endowments.

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The function of a portfolio manager licensed by the Capital Market Authority is limited to practicing securities business, and he does not practice the business of spectators.

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The endowmer or trustee manages the portfolio, while private endowment investment portfolios are managed by a licensed capital market institution.

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Whenever the endower or trustee so desires, he must sign the endowment investment portfolio management agreement if the portfolio is private, without prejudice to the requirements contained in the Capital Market Authority Law and the Regulations for Establishing Waqf Investment Portfolios.

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The manager of the endowment investment portfolio in agreement with the endower or the trustee.

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More than one endower can participate in an endowment investment portfolio.

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Portfolios cannot be merged where the Authority's approval is issued to create a portfolio, but assets can be transferred from one portfolio to another without merging portfolios.

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Portfolio assets can be transferred from one financial institution to another.

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Yes, if the endower stipulates that the endowment be joint.

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There is no minimum amount to create a portfolio.

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